
Marz ( Marcin Ziółkowski)

288, 2020

oil, canvas
120 x 100 cm

price: 951 €

Ela Das

Octopus, 2020

table lamp, white unglazed unglazed porcelain with hand embossed pattern, fired at 1230 C
12 x 34 x 12 cm

price: 191 €

Ela Das

Octopus, 2020

table lamp, white unglazed unglazed porcelain with hand embossed pattern, fired at 1230 C
12 x 34 x 12 cm

price: 191 €

Ela Das

Bigblue - triptych, 2020

white unglazed porcelain, hand moulded, fired at 1240 C
52 x 25 x 7 cm

price: 191 €

Ela Das

Downunder - triptych, 2020

white unglazed porcelain, hand moulded, fired at 1240 C
52 x 25 x 7 cm

price: 191 €

Ela Das

Anemones, 2020

white unglazed porcelain, hand moulded, fired at 1240 C
39 x 39 x 7 cm

price: 167 €

Ela Das

Twilight, 2020

white unglazed porcelain, hand moulded, fired at 1240 C
35.50 x 35.50 x 4.50 cm

price: 134 €