
Stanisław Truszkowski

Still life with pear, 2020

oil, canvas
90 x 60 cm

price: 523 €

Janina Cieciura Gdowska

Bukiet, 2002

47.60 x 32.50 cm

price: 238 €

Janina Cieciura Gdowska

Astry, 2001

47.60 x 32.50 cm

price: 191 €

Maria Lorek

The reverie, 2020

oil, canvas
120 x 100 cm

price: 1 189 €

Tomasz Kołodziejczyk

Vistula's shore, 2015

acrylic, canvas
90 x 100 cm

price: 1 355 €

Tomasz Kołodziejczyk

On the still Vistula, 2015

acrylic, canvas
80 x 120 cm

price: 1 474 €