
Tomasz Kawiak

Little jacket with wings, 2021

aluminum covered with chrome and patina
23 x 18 x 18 cm

price: 12 000 zł

Katarzyna Zawierucha

Fumo, 2018

own technique, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 800 zł

Jarosław Antoniak

Machine, 2014

55.90 x 43.20 cm

price: 1 500 zł

Jarosław Antoniak

Machine 1, 2014

55.90 x 43.20 cm

price: 1 500 zł

Jarosław Antoniak

Machine, 2014

55.90 x 43.20 cm

price: 1 500 zł

David Pataraia

Painting 5, 2017

oil, canvas
80 x 60 cm

price: 5 000 zł

David Pataraia

Painting 4, 2017

oil, canvas
125 x 60 cm

price: 6 670 zł

David Pataraia

Painting 3, 2017

oil, canvas
75 x 65 cm

price: 4 170 zł

David Pataraia

Painting 1, 2017

oil, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 6 670 zł