
Elena Bischoff

Ukrainian rose hip, 2021

71 x 51 cm

price: 1 860 zł

Elena Bischoff

Strawberries from my garden, 2021

30 x 39.50 cm

price: 2 320 zł

Elena Bischoff

Ukrainian childhood (Dreams and hopes. Memories), 2021

50 x 40 cm

price: 1 580 zł

Elena Bischoff

The spring is not canceled!, 2022

50 x 40 cm

price: 1 400 zł

Bartosz Barej

Old pier and youthful waves, 2020

acrylic, canvas
65 x 90 cm

price: 1 700 zł

Weronika Piórek

Untitled, 2019

acrylic, canvas
65 x 80 cm

price: 850 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Female torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
49 x 21 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Female torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
22 x 17.50 x 15 cm

price: 1 000 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Female torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
49 x 21 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Female torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
49 x 21 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Female torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
49 x 23 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Male torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
53 x 29 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Women torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
53 x 23 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Women torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
84 x 50 x 40 cm

price: 6 500 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Women torso, 2018

53 x 23 x 18 cm

price: 3 900 zł

Zbigniew Blajerski

Women torso, 2018

glazed ceramics
53 x 23 x 16 cm

price: 3 800 zł