
Ragnhildur Stefánsdóttir

Woman and Man, 2021

plaster cast
37.80 x 14 x 7 cm

price: 5 000 zł

Julia Platt

Pręgowo in winter, 2020

oil pastels, cardboard, framed
27 x 35 cm

price: 720 zł

Julia Platt

Mountains of sand in Pręgowo, 2020

oil pastels, cardboard, framed
27 x 35 cm

price: 720 zł

Jagoda Kaczmarczyk-Hudzik

Pejzaż wiślany XIV - zachód słońca, 2020

40 x 60 cm

price: 950 zł

Jagoda Kaczmarczyk-Hudzik

Blueberry landscape, 2020

33 x 46 cm

price: 750 zł