
Mariola Świgulska

A pond full of respites, 2021

acrylic, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 000 zł

Mariola Świgulska

Impressionist twilight, 2021

acrylic, schlagmetal, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 000 zł

Justyna Sołowiej

Natura design - las, 2018

70 x 50 cm

price: 900 zł

Teresa Demidziuk

Cherry Lady, 2021

mixed technique
100 x 70 cm

price: 2 200 zł

Mariola Świgulska

Autumn sunrise, 2019

acrylic, slagmetal, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 000 zł

Agata Gertchen

Object 3, Anatomy of an abandoned object, 2015

dry piston
29 x 41 cm

price: 600 zł