
Mariola Świgulska

A pond full of respites, 2021

acrylic, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 238 €

Mariola Świgulska

Impressionist twilight, 2021

acrylic, schlagmetal, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 238 €

Marta Ciućka

When Spring Meets Winter, 2021

28 x 76 cm

price: 345 €

Marta Ciućka

Between earth and sky, 2021

76 x 56 cm

price: 476 €

Wanda Wolf

Large penguin, 2020

black porcelain, glaze decoration, firing at 1250ºC
7 x 24 x 7 cm

price: 84 €

Marta Ciućka

Apple tree in bloom

watercolor, frame
40 x 30 cm

price: 238 €

Agnieszka Potrzebnicka

Bez tytułu, 2019

40 x 30 cm

price: 143 €

Mariola Świgulska

Autumn sunrise, 2019

acrylic, slagmetal, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 238 €