
Tomasz Kawiak

Little jacket with wings, 2021

aluminum covered with chrome and patina
23 x 18 x 18 cm

price: 12 000 zł

Mariola Świgulska

A pond full of respites, 2021

acrylic, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 000 zł

Mariola Świgulska

Impressionist twilight, 2021

acrylic, schlagmetal, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 000 zł

Dariusz Górski

Psalm 90, 2021

pastel, cardboard
70 x 50 cm

price: 700 zł

Krzysztof Szumski

Emolticore, 2020

acrylic, paper
40.50 x 28.50 cm

price: 840 zł

Mariola Świgulska

Autumn sunrise, 2019

acrylic, slagmetal, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 000 zł