
Katerina Zinchenko

Home for the creative work of children and young people, 2012

oil, canvas
60 x 80 cm

price: 2 800 zł

Arkadiusz Świderski

Untitled, 2020

acrylic, oil, own technique, canvas
50 x 50 cm

price: 1 200 zł

Arkadiusz Świderski

Night arises from silence, 2018

acrylic, own technique, canvas
100 x 40 cm

price: 2 900 zł

Arkadiusz Świderski

Call me a dog, 2018

acrylic, own technique, canvas
100 x 100 cm

price: 2 200 zł

Katarzyna Żak

Świt i zmierzch, dyptyk

40 x 60 cm

price: 1 200 zł

Katarzyna Zawierucha

Fumo, 2018

own technique, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 800 zł