
Dariusz Miliński

Festive breath, 2022

oil, canvas
100 x 120 cm

price: 7 130 €

Dariusz Miliński

Starpicking, 2022

oil, canvas
100 x 120 cm

price: 7 130 €

Dariusz Miliński

Modern family, 2022

oil, canvas
120 x 100 cm

price: 7 130 €

Dariusz Miliński

Water diviner, 2020

oil, canvas
120 x 100 cm

price: 7 130 €

Marta Ciućka

When Spring Meets Winter, 2021

28 x 76 cm

price: 345 €

Marta Ciućka

Between earth and sky, 2021

76 x 56 cm

price: 476 €

Marta Ciućka

Apple tree in bloom

watercolor, frame
40 x 30 cm

price: 238 €

Bartosz Barej

Old pier and youthful waves, 2020

acrylic, canvas
65 x 90 cm

price: 405 €

Anna Olińska

Ryby 1, cykl Ryby

90 x 100 cm

price: 119 €

Anna Olińska

Morze 1, cykl Widoki, 2017

60 x 145 cm

price: 167 €