
Adrianna Marciniak

Lines and figures No. 1, 2022

gouache, own technique, thread
40 x 40 cm

price: 4 000 zł

Bartosz Barej

Old pier and youthful waves, 2020

acrylic, canvas
65 x 90 cm

price: 1 700 zł

Hanna Gąsiorowska

Lying like herrings, 2018

acrylic, canvas
90 x 120 cm

price: 2 000 zł

Jarosław Antoniak

Machine, 2014

55.90 x 43.20 cm

price: 1 500 zł

Jarosław Antoniak

Machine 1, 2014

55.90 x 43.20 cm

price: 1 500 zł

Jarosław Antoniak

Machine, 2014

55.90 x 43.20 cm

price: 1 500 zł