
Bogusław Zen

Hybrydos, 2020

pink granite, wood
30 x 35 x 30 cm

price: 1 800 zł

Bogusław Zen

Frog, 2021

19 x 35 x 26 cm

price: 2 000 zł

Dariusz Górski

Psalm 90, 2021

pastel, cardboard
70 x 50 cm

price: 700 zł

Bartosz Barej

Old pier and youthful waves, 2020

acrylic, canvas
65 x 90 cm

price: 1 700 zł

Maciej Urbaniak

Encounter with the Horus, 2012

oil, acrylic, canvas
80 x 60 cm

price: 5 000 zł