
Piotr Zemsta

Artwork from the series creature, 2021

acrylic, own technique, canvas
100 x 100 cm

price: 3 600 zł

Agnieszka Potrzebnicka

Bez tytułu, 2019

40 x 30 cm

price: 600 zł

Katarzyna Zawierucha

Fumo, 2018

own technique, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 1 800 zł

Piotr Zemsta

Image from the cycle Entity, 2017

own technique, acrylic, plexiglas
64 x 98 cm

price: 2 000 zł

Piotr Zemsta

Mysterious garden, 2014

oil, own technique, canvas
100 x 100 cm

price: 4 000 zł

Roman Opałka

Drawing 16


price: 4 000 zł

Roman Opałka

Drawing 13


price: 4 000 zł