
Viola Tycz

On the edge RGB I, 2016

acrylic, hardboard
60 x 100 cm

price: 5 200 zł

Viola Tycz

The last supper I, 2003

acrylic, canvas
72.50 x 145 cm

price: 5 000 zł

Viola Tycz

Hot I, 2015

acrylic, hardboard
50 x 60 cm

price: 3 000 zł

Viola Tycz

On the edge RGB IV, 2015

acrylic, hardboard
50 x 40 cm

price: 2 000 zł

Viola Tycz

Nimfomaniac 10, 2014

acrylic, hardboard
60 x 20 cm

price: 1 350 zł

Viola Tycz

Nimfomaniac 8, 2014

acrylic, hardboard
32 x 32 cm

price: 1 350 zł

Viola Tycz

Kitchen II, 2012

acrylic, canvas
104 x 60 cm

price: 3 300 zł