
Piotr Saul

Spirit of the mountains, 2022

oil, acrylic, spray, canvas, tondo 100 cm

Piotr Saul

Dino with delivery, 2016

mixed technique - oil, acrylic, spray, glitter, glass paint, canvas
60 x 80 cm

Piotr Saul

Monkey rules, 2014

mixed technique - oil, spray, acrylic, sand, glass paint, spray, canvas
120 x 80 cm

Piotr Saul

Friends gather mushrooms, 2014

mixed technique - oil, acrylic, spray, luminescent paints, canvas
80 x 120 cm

Gabriela Pawlicka

Mustang - a version raku 5/11, 2016

ceramics fired with raku technique, wood
35 x 22 x 9 cm

price: 840 zł

Gabriela Pawlicka

Mustang - a version raku 3/11

ceramics fired with raku technique, wood
35 x 22 x 9 cm

price: 840 zł

Gabriela Pawlicka

Penguin - Graphite 1/10 series, 2019

ceramics fired in an electric furnace
29 x 22.50 x 14.50 cm

price: 800 zł

Gabriela Pawlicka

Gray Balance II, 2020

ceramics fired in an electric furnace, wood, slagmetal
42 x 30 x 12 cm

price: 1 000 zł