
Paweł Cielątkowski

And I Like You, 2021

acrylic, brocade, canvas
100 x 80 cm

price: 4 800 zł

Emilia Rusin

Pojana, 2012

oil, canvas
50 x 70 cm

price: 800 zł

Ragnhildur Stefánsdóttir

Woman and Man, 2021

plaster cast
37.80 x 14 x 7 cm

price: 5 000 zł

Żaneta Rzepa

Fall, 2019

aquatint, etching
65.50 x 19 cm

price: 700 zł

Paweł Cielątkowski

Audrey Hepburn, 2019

acrylic, canvas
100 x 80 cm

price: 1 400 zł