
Marcin Bucyk

Twilight, 2020

acrylic, oil, canvas
50 x 40 cm

price: 476 €

Marcin Bucyk

Stranger Things, 2022

pouring, acrylic, thin pen, canvas
50 x 40 cm

price: 476 €

Oleksij Ivaniuk

Journey to the Carpathian Mountains, 2012

oil, canvas
60 x 80 cm

price: 666 €

Emilia Rusin

Pojana, 2012

oil, canvas
50 x 70 cm

price: 191 €

Magdalena Brennenstuhl

We'll be pecked to pieces by crows, 2020

acrylic, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 713 €

Magdalena Brennenstuhl

Boat, 2019

acrylic, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 713 €

Magdalena Brennenstuhl

In full bloom, 2020

acrylic, canvas
80 x 80 cm

price: 666 €

Magdalena Brennenstuhl

They went into the woods, 2020

acrylic, canvas
70 x 70 cm

price: 571 €

Magdalena Brennenstuhl

Linden alley, 2019

acrylic, canvas
60 x 60 cm

price: 333 €

Magdalena Brennenstuhl

Night, 2019

acrylic, canvas
60 x 60 cm

price: 333 €