2014 - Styk Gallery, Warsaw
2014 - ES Gallery, Międzyrzec Podlaski
2014 - STALOWA Gallery „Strange Stories”, Warsaw
2014 - STALOWA Gallery „Summer Salon”, Warsaw
2013 - Gallery Wozownia, 9 Triennale of Small Painting Forms, Toruń
2013 - STALOWA Gallery „Summer Salon”, Warsaw
2012 - Bochenska Gallery „Artists from Eastern Atelier”, Warsaw
2012 - „Warschau Gemalt”, Berlin
2010 - Gallery „Promocyjna” „Summer Salon”, Warsaw
2010 - X International Art Festival „Experiment 2010”, Zbąszyń
2010 - VI International Festival of Visual Arts inSPIRACJE 2010, Szczecin
2007 - Diploma exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Gallery Wizytująca, Magazyn Sztuki (Store Art), Warsaw
2004 - Piazza di San Lorenzo, an exhibition of prof. Nicola Salvatore’s students, Milan
2004 - "Symetry", an exhibition of prof. J. Modzelewski’s students, Warsaw
2004 - Gallery Wilanowska, an exhibition of prof. M. Duchowski’s students, Warsaw