Ref. no 4075

Krzyr (Krzysztof Raczyński) (born 1947)

Pejzaż jesienny (Męćmierz), 2021

73 x 92 cm

price: 9 000 złChange currency
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About the artist

Krzyr (Krzysztof Raczyński) (born 1947)

Historian by education. A painter by passion. Since 1988 member of the Union of Polish Artists, Painters and Graphic Artists, and since 2000 member of the Kazimierz Art Confraternity. He had several solo exhibitions in Poland and abroad. The expressiveness of his paintings results from the spontaneous reaction to the artistic shape of Kazimierz, its colours and atmosphere. They are distinguished by their roughness, sharp colours, a certain brutality of forms, which are the features that make up the personal tone of his paintings.
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