With the letter "aleph" begins Abraham's name. The wings inscribed in this letter symbolize the three messengers who visited him to announce the birth of his son. "Having seen them, he ran from the entrance of the tent to meet them bowing down to the ground. (...) And Abraham went with them to see them off" (Genesis 18:2, 18:16). According to commentaries, the fact that he not only fed and watered the newcomers, but also led them away, makes him a model of hospitality. Above: The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre (...)." (Genesis 18:1); below: "And he [Abraham] planted a tamarisk in Beer Sheva" (Genesis 21:33).
About the artist
Monika Krajewska
Artist, journalist, editor and Jewish school teacher, she has been involved in Jewish art for 40 years.
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